Asphalt 8 Hot Wheels car's Meshes and Textures.

Hello everyone,
Here are the models and textures of the Hot Wheels cars from game Asphalt 8 Airborne.

Link to download:- DOWNLOAD

Link to download:- DOWNLOAD

Link to download:- DOWNLOAD

Hope you'll will like these models.

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Asphalt 8 Hot Wheels car's Meshes and Textures. Asphalt 8 Hot Wheels car's Meshes and Textures. Reviewed by Taruncreation on March 20, 2018 Rating: 5


  1. Hey , I checked the files and there aren't any broken UV's but definitely something wrong with the model...these were some of the initial release I did long back. Will try and upload these again with perfect models. Thanks for reporting tho!


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