Real Driving Sim 2019: 2020 Lotus Evija Updated M&T

ABOUT: Models in .obj & .z3d formats.
                Textures in .png & .dds formats.
                Midpoly model of 31k polygons.

UPDATE: Original model in "car1.fbx" & "car1.obj" in "ModelsUpdated" folder.
                  Evija.obj is the one with models re-centered.
                  Choose the model that suits you.

Credits to the creators of this game.

Real Driving Sim 2019: 2020 Lotus Evija Updated M&T Real Driving Sim 2019: 2020 Lotus Evija Updated M&T Reviewed by Taruncreation on November 25, 2019 Rating: 5


  1. it seems the normal have some problems.can you fix or rerip it?

  2. Done , have included the original ripped model file.


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